Thursday, May 5, 2011

Post #5: What is the Point??

I wanted to take this entry to kind of explain what the whole purpose of this magic group and the blog were. I created MTG Casual Net to network with people in Gainesville and Orlando who played Magic: the Gathering. I was hoping to find new play groups to meet and trade cards with. On my journey, I found so much more.

I found that a lot of people played Magic, so many people. But most of them were either embarrassed or shameful to admit it. I feel like a lot of the people who play magic, card games, or some sort of role playing game get a lot of negative attention from people outside of the Magic community. When I've told some people that I play magic, I've been called a nerd or a geek and I assume this happens to other people who play as well. I feel like once I open the door and let people know that I play, they attribute negative stereotypes against me, like I'm unsociable or a weird person (maybe I am!)

On the flip side, I've met a lot of great people through magic or showing them a little of 'my' world behind the cards. I feel that the Magic community (and other card games) has a lot of diversity and people from many different backgrounds that love playing the game. This diversity is largely unseen to the public eye and I'm hoping that this group helps to shed some light on this awesome community.

Just some words of wisdom before I leave this entry. Don't let Magic become an addiction, it's a hobby that everyone can enjoy. Once it becomes an addiction, it's no longer fun. Play nice, no one likes a jerk. If you can't afford a card, you weren't meant to have it. And if you can afford it, that doesn't mean you should buy it (which goes back to, don't be a jerk). Hope everyone going to the New Phyrexia Prerelease has a great time!

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