Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bramble On #6: May Overload

Hey guys! It's been forever since I've been able to sit down and just blurb about random things. There are so many new cards from Planechase 2012, cards from Avacyn Restored I haven't talked about yet, and even M13 spoilers starting to pop up! There's so much content to cover, it's crazy! My days have been pretty packed recently, so I'll have to put a few things I wanted to write about on hold. I also wanted to take some time to finish up a couple EDH decks that I promised I would build; namely Numot, the Devastator and Griselbrand, more on those later. Now, let's get brambling!

Some new things to talk about really quick is the new 'The Trade Grounds' set up by our very own Tomas Bustamante. The link is HERE if you'd like to check it out and will also be on the right hand side of the blog under Useful Links. Register for an account, setup your trade binder and local card shops, then begin trading! Tomas set this website up to streamline trading conducted on Casual Net and to replace our very outdated and underused Trade Document we had setup before. The site is free and extremely easy to use. Tomas will be the head admin of the site and will be experimenting with the website and changing things up as the The Trade Grounds grows. If you have any questions, please contact him on The Trade Grounds. Happy trading!

Speaking of trading, if you were curious, here's a few things I traded for over the past couple weeks:


Not too shabby. You can see the skeleton of mono-Black Griselbrand forming, so I'm really excited. And yes, that is a Foil Griselbrand in a pink sleeve! I picked him up on eBay for 32. It was a little painful, but he'll add some wow factor. I can't wait to start building the deck. I think the Plateau is the heaviest ticket item if you're a value hunter. I ended up trading a bunch of cards I'd been trying to get rid of (including a Personal Tutor that saw a nice spike from the new miracle cards) and I found a ton of money cards in bulk lying around from old deck pieces, so I was able to get some pretty good stuff. 

I really do need to bunker down and get to deck building. I also finally decided on a blink theme for Numot where Dead-Eye Navigator really caught my attention and I have a few plans for him. He's really powerful with any EtB trigger on another creature so abusing it is fairly easy. The problem is getting enough mana to setup the engine, which I think I'm going to solve with mana rocks like Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo, Mana Vault, etc. The creatures that you souldbond with him don't have to be the best cards ever, he's great for incremental advantage over time and the blink ability makes them annoyingly difficult to kill.

In other news, Evan won a side event draft at the SCG Open a couple weeks ago and opened a Sigarda, Host of Herons; so he was really stoked. So much, in fact that he built an EDH deck with her. I'll probably have to pester him to get the decklist later. Also, we have C.J. who finished building his Kresh, the Bloodbraided EDH, Gyula built his new Brion Stoutarm deck, and even Jav actually spending money to rework his Kaalia of the Vast deck! There's so much innovation it's impossible to keep up! Once I have the decklists, I'll post them on Bramble On. If you're ever in the Orlando area, let us know! We're always looking for new players to stomp. =]

Oh yeah, I have some sweet sneak peeks at some of the decks that will be featured soon in the In the Deck Box series. Check them out!

Urabrask, the Hidden: by Sean Wang
Oona, Queen of the Fae: by Gyula Goreczky

And a pair of random pics. 

*Evan Forster showing off his Sigarda that took him to a 3-0 1st place victory.

*Orion Taylor showing off his pack 1 pick 1 in an AVR draft.

Anyways, those are all the sweet stories, updates, and pictures I have from May. In more ways than one, May was a huge month for the blog, since we hit 1500 views in one month! If you've kept up with the blog this whole time, I can't thank you enough. I'm hoping to tackle June with a vengeance and get more Commander articles out and editing some In the Deck Box stuff. Until next time, Magic players! 

Can't get enough brambling content? Check out the Bramble On Series on the MTG Casual Network Archive!

-David J.

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