Saturday, July 2, 2011

Post #11: Story Time!

I was at the beach today reading Aesop's Fables on my Kindle app and I was brainstorming how some of these tall tales relate to Magic: the Gathering. (I'm so bored right now, its come down to this)

My friend (shout out to Gyula) bought me a Rith, the Awakener FTV foil card for helping him out with some of his deck tech in an EDH deck. I didn't have a sleeve on me, so I asked him if he had an extra. Luckily, he had a couple left, Sweet! After getting the card, I took Rith everywhere with me using my wallet as a protective shield against the elements. We waltzed through a field of flowers.. blah blah. So later that week, I went to get dinner with my parents and I took out my phone and the card that was still in my pocket and put the card on the phone. After dinner, I was outside the restaurant and realized the card was missing. I mistook the card for a napkin (because the sleeve was white), so I ran back inside to find a girl cleaning up the table. Shit. Frantic and panicking, I asked her if she had seen any cards lying around. She pulled out a card out of a cup of pepsi and asked if it was mine. My heart sank, my card just got owned by a bunch of soda. I took the card and left the restaurant. A couple minutes later, I realized the card was perfectly fine and none of it got into the sleeve. YES! Thanks to a simple sleeve, the card was saved from drowning in a chasm of carbonated goodness. The moral of this story is.. always use sleeves to protect your cards. Or don't take your cards on a night on the town..

Another story involved one game where I was playing a terrible deck (like always) and was losing miserably to a red/black vampire standard aggro 'beat me in the face till i start crying and remembering repressed childhood memories' deck (shout out to Mike for the pilot of this deck). I had a rhystic study in play and I knew he had me dead on board. Forgot how I knew what card he had in his hand, but I knew somehow. Anyways, he cast one of the cards in his hand and I had a Rhystic Study in play. I'd been using the enchantment to draw a lot of cards that game and it was annoying a few people at the table by this point. As he was tapping his lands for his spell, I said 'rhystic study trigger?'. He thought about it for a second and said 'yeah, i'll pay 1'. I realized, that after paying the 1 mana so I wouldn't draw a card, he couldn't kill me that turn with the card in his hand. YES! I lived and killed him on my following turn =] The moral of this story is.. don't forget the triggered abilities (all of them!) This kind of delves into a couple other things I see a lot. Sometimes (even I do this quite often), people forget exactly what options they have. Whether that be an unearth creature, specialty lands, exiled cards with abilities, or just playing their general. Take your turns slowly if you have a cluttered bored (edit: i see this mispelling. it's an indicator of how bored i was). Who knows, you might just win a game with some good memory.

This one goes out to Cj (and Andrew as a bystander who joined me in revelry). I played Kira, the Great Glass Spinner and Andrew sighed deeply after I cast it. Cj sensing the card would be a problem, asked me 'how big is it' (no innuendo intended). I said it was a 2/2 flyer. Cj immediately said, 'Don't worry, I got this' and cast lightning bolt targeting Kira and continued with his turn. I looked at Andrew and looked at Cj looking at the cards in his hand and at his board and laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes. Andrew joined in the laughter. Moral of this story. Read your opponents cards. So many misplays/errors could be avoided if people were to read what their opponent was playing. If you're having trouble keeping up with the pace, ask your opponent to explain each spell they're playing. If you're playing with someone who's willing, they might even explain why they're playing that card to give you some perspective. Love you Cj.

I got more stories, but I'll hold them for another entry. Until next time guys!

-David J.

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