Saturday, July 16, 2011

Post #13: Hello, New World!

Hey everyone, this post is kind of an update to what's going on in the world of MTG Casual Net for people joining us and a couple updates for our already awesome members. This blog is dedicated to our Facebook group, where anyone who has an interesting article or segment they'd like to write about, can share their opinions with other members on the group. My name is David if anyone doesn't know me and I have a reputation for filling people's facebook notifications (sorry!). I'm the head admin of this group and we started it because we had a lot of people who played magic in Gainesville, Fl; however, a lot of people didn't exactly know each other. This group was a way for us to network together and eventually developed into a small community of magic players across Gainesville to Orlando, Fl. The group primarily focuses on casual magic, but branches out into Standard/Type 2, Limited/Draft, and any other format under the rainbow. We share rulings, card/deck ideas, or just funny links. If anyone is new to magic, don't hesitate to ask any type of question. We have a small group of admins (shout out to Sean Wang, Carlos Cabrera, C.J. Hunter, Nick LoCastro, and Michael Julien) that are more than willing to help out. I hope that you're time with the group is enjoyable and we continue to provide a welcoming atmosphere for new members and players. 

You'll rarely hear me discuss standard, but this title refers to the release of M12 (which ironically will be changing the format quite a bit). So very quickly, Chandra's Phoenix, Go!

This card, Chandra's Phoenix will compliment a very impressive mono red build that seems to be interacting heavily with the graveyard (Grim Lavamancer too? Hello Graveyard-Based Innistrad!!). A 2/2 flyer with haste for 3 mana is pretty sick and has already seen some play before, similar to Hell's Thunder from Shards of Alara that made many a Standard players hurt. I like a card that can punch a weak planeswalker dead because my creature has flying and their creatures don't and I giggle a little inside. Chandra's phoenix also has some pretty sick recursion synergy with Chandra, the Firebrand and will definitely be pushing mono red into the right direction.

Cards to look out for with rotation closing in on us:

Consecrated Sphinx. When I saw this card, it was love at first sight. This card is incredible on the casual table and it's no different in standard. If it goes unanswered, the sphinx draws up any answer or counter magic you'll need to hold your opponent's board down. The sphinx can also hold a piece of equipment, why not a Sword of War and Peace and gain life for all those cards you've been drawing? Finally, the sphinx just escapes the premier removal card, Dismember and proves to be very resilient to surviving.

Birthing Pod: So, graveyard based future set, right? So, there's all these creatures in New Phyrexia that want to die? And now, Solemn Simulacrum? This card is going to be insane because it does similar things to Survival of the Fittest and allows you to tutor up answers or tech to your opponent's strategy, handing you the game with ease. 

What about Casual and EDH? Might I introduce you to the cycle of mages.. magi?

These guys are pretty sweet tech if you're running into certain problems in your playgroup due to your metagame. The red one provides haste, blue one draw cards, white one gains life, green gives dudes, and black gives deathtouch. I think the magi cycle are pretty cool and I definitely expect to see them as good 'build me up' cards in some EDH matches. Not to mention they are insane in draft and sealed.

I can't cover every card because I'm just one person, but M12 will be impacting the Standard format and I'm really excited to see what innovative deck builders will cook up.

If anyone would like to write for the blog, just send me a fb message with your article, so I can edit it and get it posted. =] Until next time, Magic players.

-David J.

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