Thursday, December 8, 2011

Standard Corner #6: Kessig Titans

After selling a lot of pieces of my U/B deck towards Commander/EDH cards to build new decks, I was a little sad that I'd be out of the Standard season for at least a year. But my obsession with Magic would not keep me away from watching coverage of Worlds 2011 in San Diego. I had the pleasure to watch the Channelfireball team take Tempered Steel to the top and securing 4 spots in the Top 8. However, the real champion in the room, was Jun'ya Iyanaga's Kessig Titan List running a whopping 4 copies of Primeval Titan and 4 copies of Inferno Titan. Unsurprisingly, the deck completely dominated the top 8 and crushed Conley Woods's undefeated Tempered Steel and Richard Bland's G/W Tokens in the Semifinals and Finals. After seeing the deck's amazing performance, I wanted nothing more than to sleeve this deck up and try it out myself.

The deck is extremely proactive and has a lot of versatility to compete against such a varied format. The ability to ramp into titans quickly is very strong and usually punishes the midrange decks that cannot interact with the early Rampant Growth, Sphere of the Suns or Birds of Paradise you'll be casting between turns 1-3. It also has the ability to survive well using an assortment of Slagstorm, Galvanic Blast, and Devil's Play to keep the board clear til a titan lands on the table. Fortunately, I already had most of the expensive cards and just needed to pick up a few things before I was able to sleeve it up and try it out myself.

Gyula, Evan, and myself headed over to Colisseum of Comics in Kissimmee, Fl to try out their FNM environment. I was very impressed with the players there and everyone was extremely friendly. You could tell that mostly everyone there knew each other and it was full of people who would work long hours and show up to relax and enjoy the end of their week. Here's the decklist I used this past Friday:

Spells: 34
1x Beast Within
4x Rampant Growth
4x Galvanic Blast
4x Sphere of the Suns
2x Devil's Play
1x Thrun, the Last Troll
2x Green Sun's Zenith

Lands: 26
4x Copperline Gorge
4x Rootbound Crag
4x Inkmoth Nexus
3x Kessig Wolf Run
6x Mountain
5x Forest

Sideboard: 15
2x Beast Within
1x Bramblecrush
1x Wurmcoil Engine
1x Slagstorm
2x Acidic Slime
4x Autumn's Veil
2x Ancient Grudge
1x Viridian Corrupter
1x Asceticism

I admit, the sideboard was shoddily put together, but it had some strong answers against control, considering the playset of Inferno Titan and Slagstorm after boarding would be enough if I faced down an aggro opponent. Now, let's see how it went!

Round 1 was against a guy named Nick who brought U/W Blade to the table. In Game 1, my opponent played an aggressive turn 2 Invisible Stalker followed by a turn 3 Blade Splicer. With a Rampant Growth and a Solemn Simulacrum on my turn 3, I quickly cast Primeval Titan on turn 4. Unfortunately for my opponent, they could not reach their 4th land for the Angelic Destiny presumably in their hand or any piece of equipment to lay on the board, which quickly gave me the win. After sideboarding, I brought in the Slagstorm and Ancient Grudge. Unfortunately for Game 2, my opponent layed down a pair of Hero of Bladehold. After drawing no gas, we were both to Game 3. In Game 3, both my opponent and I took a mulligan to 5. After playing an Island, my opponent would have no lands for the rest of the game. I began top decking lands turn after turn until I had a turn 6 Inferno Titan that sealed the game. 1-0

In Round 2, I was paired up against a gentleman named Matt sporting what appeared to be mono White. In Game 1, I swept his early board with a pair of Galvanic Blast on his Mirran Crusader and Champion of the Parish. After playing a Primeval Titan that got Dispatched away from him having Metalcraft. Then an Inferno Titan that was promptly hit with Oblivion Ring, he eventually was swarmped to death by multiple Inkmoth Nexus. In Game 2, it all made sense with a turn 1 Flayer Husk. He was playing mono white Puresteel Paladin. After resolving a Paladin and dropping a second Flayer Husk and a Mortarpod on the battlefield I was in quite a bit of trouble. Soon after, a Kemba, Kha Regent would pose 7 toughnes and be difficult to kill. After I played an Inferno Titan, I was able to rid the board of the Puresteel Paladin, but was unable to stop the Kemba. After my opponent passed the turn with 3 Cat tokens on the board, a Mirran Crusader, and a Kemba holding 3 equipment, I looked for an amazing topdeck. Luckily, I had just enough mana. I first cast Slagstorm to wipe everything away but the Inferno Titan and Kemba, then declared attacks with Inferno Titan hitting the Kemba for 1 and my opponent for 2. After he declared no blocks and I went to my second mainphase, I played a second Inferno Titan that finished off the Kemba. After drawing his next card, he conceeded the match. 2-0

The next round was against a very friendly Irishman named Eoin. After sharing some laughs and making fun of Evan, we moved into Game 1. His turn 1 Champion of the Parish and turn 2 Hamlet Captain on the play did some serious damage. Unfortunately, I was famined with lands, but had a Birds of Paradise that helped me play a turn 3 Slagstorm that wiped his board away with me at 10 life. After the Slagstorm hit, my opponent had lost a serious amount of momentum and could not keep the beats up after a turn 6 Primeval Titan. In Game 2, my opponent hit a ton of lands and got swarmed by Inkmoth hits until he hit 10 poison. 3-0

After Round 3, there were only two people left that were undefeated, a girl named Carla using a very curious mono black Infect. We sat down and chatted for a few minutes and she was talking about how she had innovated the deck herself. The tournament organizer, Robby, told us that prize would be a split for the Top 4, so we decided to draw for our match so we'd both have a guaranteed spot in the Top 4. But, we did play for pride.

In Game 1, she played Inkmoth Nexus and used it to swing for 1 poison every turn for the next 4 turns. This was a clear signal that she didn't have anything worth casting, so I went to work, first playing a turn 4 Primeval Titan, followed by a turn 5 Inferno Titan. After beats, I used Devil's Play to hit her for 9 and we moved on to Game 2. My sideboarding for this match looked like this,

+2 Acidic Slime
+2 Ancient Grudge
+2 Beast Within
-3 Slagstorm
-1 Thrun
-1 Devil's Play
-1 Solemn Simulacrum

I dropped Slagstorm since I predicted she would have a full set of Phyrexian Crusader and they would be close to useless against them. I brought in the Ancient Grudge/Acidic Slime for Inkmoth Nexus and the Beast Within against.. well everything she plays, considering a 3/3 Beast Token is close to irrelevant in this matchup. In Game 2, she played a turn 2 Plague Stinger followed by a turn 3 Dark Favor, swinging in for 4 poison. Unfortunately, I did not have the removal spell I needed to stop the onslaught and conceeded after she cast a turn 4 Phyrexian Vatmother.

After seeing the Dark Favor strategy, I dropped one of the Ancient Grudge and put back in 1 Devil's Play. In Game 3, I saw an opening hand filled with 3 land, Rampant Growth, Inferno Titan, and a beautiful pair of Galvanic Blast. After she played another turn 3 Dark Favor, I used Galvanic Blast on the Plague Stinger followed by another Galvanic Blast on her activated Inkmoth Nexus. Keeping her off her 4th land drop would be crucial as I droped down an Inferno Titan. She stopped it with a Doom Blade, but did not have a second when I dropped down a Primeval Titan. The Titan along with Kessig Wolf Run would kill her on the next turn.  Final record, 4-0.

So in the end, I got a respectable first place, 5 packs of Innistrad and the cool December promo, Savage Lands. Cool!

If I had to change anything about the deck, I'd probably try to fix the sideboard up so it has a better match up against control decks. Although I didn't play against any control decks, I still felt slightly unprepared for facing down a Mana Leak and Dissipate heavy opponent. I don't know if a full playset of Autumn's Veil is the right call. Potentially adding in a 4th Beast Within, Garruk, Primal Hunter or Garruk Relentless in my 75 may make a difference. As I play the deck, I hope to figure out more of it's weaknesses and fine tune it for the metagame coming in a post Worlds season. 

A cool aside: when Gyula and I went to grab dinner, we walked into a bargain shop to look for cups to go along with our 2L beverages. We stumbled upon Coke' Cola glasses and stared in awe. For only $1. We jumped in on that deal and bought 2. Unfortunately Evan got stuck with the red plastic cups. Sorry dude =p The night, we had drinks like kings. Until next time, Magic players!

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-David J.

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