Monday, March 11, 2013

Player Profile: Stephen Poindexter

Age: 27

Hometown: Miami, Fl (United States)


Occupation: Server/Bartender

Duration Playing MTG: 10 years

Favorite Format(s):
Modern and Legacy

Favorite Guild: Azorius

Favorite Planeswalker Card:
Karn Liberated

Fun Fact: 'I take pride in being different; I'm different, so there.'


Top 8s:
PTQ Dragon's Maze: Hollywood, Fl (Modern - 2013)

Top 16s:
PTQ Fate Reforged: Jacksonville, Fl (Khans of Tarkir Sealed - 2014)

Decks Currently Played:
Eggs (Modern)
Mono Red Goblins (Legacy)

Stephen earned a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Florida and is currently looking for work in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Stephen started playing Magic in 1999 in junior high school and was hooked from the start. He started playing in local FNMs but was quickly discouraged by the cost of competitive Magic and stopped playing in 2004. Stephen rediscovered Magic when he found a local game store in Gainesville, Fl and rekindled his passion for the game in 2009. He started doing well in Limited events and quickly began making constructed decks to play across multiple different formats. Stephen accepted an admin position in 'MTG Casual Network' in early 2012 by Javier's recommendation.

Stephen's most noteworthy accomplishment was a Top 8 performance at Cool Stuff Games's PTQ Dragon's Maze: Hollywood, Fl (2013) where he took one of the more challenging and difficult decks to pilot in the Modern format, Eggs to a 5-1-1 record and finally secured an 8th Place finish.

What does Magic mean to me?:

'The community really makes or breaks Magic for a lot of people. Competitive players' aggressive attitudes can really make a group fall apart, but a mature community can make some special things happen. Team CNG is a community full of amazing people. Although winning is really awesome, this team is really what makes Magic so awesome for me. In addition to the team, Magic is the best card game the world has ever seen. There are so many interesting formats; the depth is endless. Most players dream of playing on the Pro Tour and I hope I can one day; I can't wait for that day...'

Last Updated: 11-22-14

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