Thursday, January 30, 2014

Modern Deck Tech: BUG Infect

Hello Casual Net, Javier here. Today I'm going to do a deck tech for you covering BUG Infect in Modern. Modern, eh? I thought this guy only did Commander content. Although I do love me some Commander, Modern is a format very near and dear to my heart and I would like to share my deck with you. I've been playing BUG Infect for a little over a year now, so I feel like I am somewhat qualified to share my opinion on the deck.

BUG Infect is an unfair, aggro-combo deck with turn two potential. In other words, the deck aims to punish unprepared opponents with rather spontaneous wins that involve attacking with efficient, evasive creatures backed by pump spells and protection. Infect is one of, if not the fastest deck in the format and can steal wins from just about any opposing deck. This is the list I've been running for a little while now.

Creatures (18):
4x Blighted Agent
4x Glistener Elf
4x Noble Hierarch
4x Plague Stinger
2x Spellskite

Spells (22):
2x Apostle's Blessing
1x Dismember
1x Distortion Strike
1x Giant Growth
4x Groundswell
4x Might of Old Krosa
3x Mutagenic Growth
2x Rancor
4x Vines of Vastwood

Lands (20):
2x Breeding Pool
4x Inkmoth Nexus
4x Misty Rainforest
2x Overgrown Tomb
2x Pendelhaven
4x Verdant Catacombs
2x Forest

Sideboard (15):
2x Dismember
2x Grafdigger's Cage
1x Hurkyl's Recall
2x Nature's Claim
2x Spell Pierce
1x Spellskite
3x Thoughtseize
2x Wild Defiance

The creature package is fairly standard. Two color Infect decks often play Ichorclaw Myr because the deck has a low threat count, but I want all the creatures with evasion, so I'm willing to take a hit to my mana-base. Noble Hierarch provides fast mana and a relevant buff to attacking Infecters (useful for pushing past Deathrite Shamans and Ornithopters) and Spellskite grants further protection for my frail threats. The spell base has undergone a number of iterations and I'm still not convinced it's quite right yet. All of the +4/+4 pump spells are 4-ofs as they provide the most bang-for-your-buck in that you only need two of them to win the game. Rancor and Distortion Strike are useful in the creature match-ups, but do not grant toughness to protect my threats from removal. Mutagenic Growth makes turn-two wins possible with its unbeatable cost and can also be used to beat Pyroclasms and Murderous Redcaps. Dismember is a catch-all removal spell and my concession to the prevalence of Melira-Pod in my meta.

Here's a quick run-down on my sideboard plan for a number of the popular decks.

UWR Control/Midrange
+2 Spell Pierce
+1 Spellskite
+2 Wild Defiance
-1 Dismember
-2 Rancor
-1 Distortion Strike
-1 Might of Old Krosa

My worst match-up. Their seemingly endless removal package can be hard to beat, so additional protection is welcome. I'm usually not pushing through creatures, so the evasion pumps make way for more protection. Wild Defiance gets a shout-out here for blanking ALL red removal if it manages to stick. Sometimes Nature's Claims will come in for this match-up in place of Spell Pierce if they put their own Spellskites in.

Jund/GB Attrition
+1 Spellskite
+3 Thoughtseize
+2 Dismember
-3 Glistener Elf
-3 Mutagenic Growth

The second worst match-up (UWR and Jund weaknesses are the reason this deck doesn't win Pro Tours). Jund plays just enough creatures that Glistener Elf has to go so that I can focus on protecting my evasive dudes. Thoughtseize strips problem cards and lets me know exactly what I'm playing around while Spellskite does its usual thing. Some lists have started playing Olivia Voldaren recently, so Dismember provides my only out to this back-breaking vampiress while having the bonus of killing opposing Spellskites.

Urza Tron
+2 Nature's Claim
+2 Spell Pierce
-1 Dismember
-1 Distortion Strike
-2 Rancor

Probably the deck's best match-up. Tron decks rely on Pyroclasm to slow creature decks, which is easily dealt with by using Mutagenic Growth or Pendelhaven. Spell Pierce and Nature's Claim slow Karn, Pyroclasm and Oblivion Stone just enough to give us the extra turn we need to win. Chalice of the Void is the biggest threat in this match-up. Once a Chalice for 1 resolves, most of our spells are uncastable and even a Nature's Claim won't destroy it.

Birthing Pod Variants
+2 Dismember
+2 Grafdigger's Cage
+2 Nature's Claim
-4 Glistener Elf
-1 Groundswell
-1 Giant Growth

Spellskite is the killer in this match-up due to the decks ability to tutor for it, which explains the increase in Spellskite-removal. Grafdigger's Cage is a hard shut-down for Birthing Pod, Chord of Calling AND Murderous Redcap, making it a powerhouse in this match-up. Melira-based Pod decks have become much easier to deal with since the deck cut copies of its namesake to add versatility to the deck.

+1 Hurkyl's Recall
+2 Nature's Claim
+1 Spellskite
-4 Glistener Elf

Drawing a Blue spell usually wins me this game. Both of the decks are ultra-fast, so the hate cards aren't as necessary. Nature's Claim can stop Inkmoth Nexuses and Cranial Platings from stealing wins and Hurkyl's Recall is a total blow out if cast at end of turn. Spellskite absorbs removal and keeps Arcbound Ravager in check.

Moving forward, I'll probably cut the Distortion Strike in favor of one more Mutagenic or Giant Growth and maybe make room for Abrupt Decays in the board. Decay is a versatile, though mana-intensive card that gives me an out to Chalice of the Void and provides even more removal for Spellskites, Tarmagoyfs, and Cranial Plating.

Overall the deck is a lot of fun to play even though it can make opponents salty. Or maybe making opponents salty is part of the appeal, can't tell. Infect punishes any opponent unfamiliar with the match-up and can even steal wins from experienced players with a good hand. I hope you enjoyed this deck tech and possibly become inspired to build it yourself! Ask me about it if you want and if you ever see me roll into a modern event, be prepared for this menace. Thanks for reading!

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-Javier Remy

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